Kuran Kütüphanesi

by Kur'an Kütüphanesi

Books & Reference


A digital library that contains Islamic resources and books, especially the Holy Quran, interpretations, tafsir, hadith and word meanings. The ability to read the Quran without ads and internet..📚 Library contents:- Diyanet printing Holy Quran- 5 Quran Translations with explanation and footnotes- Kelime Meaning Holy Quran- El-Müfredat (Râgıb el-İsfahânî)- Quran Path Interpretation (Presidency of Religious Affairs)- Al-Kashshaf Interpretation (Carullah ez-Zemahseri)- Tevilatül Quran (Imam Maturidi)- Mefatihül Gayb / Tefsir-i Kebir (Imam Razi)- Envarüt-Tenzil ve Mısırut-Tevil / Beydavi Interpretation (Compendium)- Quran Index- Islam through Hadiths (Presidency of Religious Affairs)- Riyazus Salihin (Imam Nevevi)- Prayer Prayer- Sekine and Tahmidiye Prayers (and Turkish Interpretations)- Cevşen and its Turkish Interpretation (Cevşen-i Kebir)In addition to the existing books, new interpretation, tafsir, hadith and prayer books are also being prepared and will be included in the application.⏳Religious Books to be Added:- Elmalılı Hamdi Ready Interpretation- Ömer Nasuhi Bilmen Commentary- Kutub-u Sitte Translation and Commentary- Great Islamic Catechism- Mecmuatül Ahzab- Treatises- History and Sira Books- Prayer BooksAnd more...We would be really grateful if you rate us on Google Play. This is very important for us to reach more people. Also feel free to contact us if you have suggestions or want to report a bug!